Founding members of the Principal Reference Group
Lesley speaking during the first part of our presentation to the National Rural Health Conference 2024
Chris explaining the difference between rural isolated and remote communities
At the conclusion of the presentation by Lesley Chris and Keld to the National Rural Health Conference 2024, Josie lead our waiata.
The Community Tech Champions Award honours and showcases outstanding initiatives promoting digital inclusion with the goal of educating, exposing and engaging New Zealanders previously underrepresented in the ICT sector. Programmes should address diversity issues and encourage or develop New Zealand’s digital capabilities
Lesley presenting an WISPA/TUANZ Rural Connectivity Symposium Christchurch 2023 along with Chris and Ivan as part of the Rural Digital Connectivity Panel
August 2022 representatives of MOE, DIA and N4L visited Te Urewera to look at the progress of Connected project in Te region from left to right.
Nick Griffin MOE, Deana Rika MOE, Lesley Immink TAT, Colin Holden DIA, Sid Kumar N4L, Morgan Matekuare and Charles Doherty Te Whaiti kura, Peter Bisley MOE and Chris Eketone TAT
This small papakainga settlement is Papueru half way between Murupara and Ruatahuna in Te Urewera and, because the locals pitched in to help with the tower installation high up on the ridge above, Nine houses plus the Marae now have wireless digital connectivity.
Sid Kumar head of product N4L proudly displays one of the antenna used to create Wi-FI connectivity in the valley
Chris Eketone, Lesley Immink, Josephine Gage, Keld Hunia and Ivan Lomax attending the Rural Connectivity Symposium and WISPA Conference 2022
There are three ways to get up to Chaz Doherty’s home
1 - walk 25 minutes up the track
2 - Ride a horse up
3 - Jump on the 4 x 4 mule
Patio Te Amorangi Te Rire performs karakia before ground is broken for the new tower on Otarahanga farm block belonging to Tuwharetoa Mai Kawerau ki te Tai October 2022
Our partnership with the Kawerau District Council has resulted in the installation of a repeater tower next to the beautifully decorated water reservoir up on Monika Lanham reserve.
1st place at the regional robotics competition are Team Terminator from Te Whata Tau o Putāuaki kura
Junior school tauira from Te Whata Tau o Putauaki kura learning code a programming bots to navigate the block obstacle course
Checking out the Connectivity of Te Kura Toitu o Te Whaiti-nui-a-Toi at Minginui are Whakatane District Councillors Alison Silcock, Lesley Immink, Victor Luca and Mayor Judy Turner also Te Aka Toitū trustee Trish Collett, Ian Morton from Toi EDA, Kara Scally-Irvine from MOE and Project Manager Keld Hunia
Students from Te Kura Toitu o Te Whaiti-nui-a-Toi in Minginui gather data for research on their horticulture project.
Jay and Jamie Delamare with their son Tyashaun participate in the Digital Well Being course held at Murupara Area School
Kara Scally-Irvine - MOE and Lesley Immink Chair of Te Aka Toitū pictured with Vale Ruri, Brent Boggs and Tony Araroa who install the equipment into the homes for the wireless connections. They are also volunteer fire fighters with the Minginui Fire Station.
Up at Tarapounamu on the ridge-line in Te Urewera you can see behind Kara Scally-Irvine in the ngahere one of the connectivity antenna repeater tower that transmits Wireless internet across the valleys.
The arrow is pointing to where Chaz Doherty lives way up on Ngaputahi he has a solar powered tower on the roof of his house that relays the wireless Internet signal beamed from the kura below up into Te Urewera and beyond.
High up at Ngaputahi (see previous pic with the arrow) visiting Chaz Doherty’s house left to right Annie McGirven Ministry of Education UK, Napera Rangiaho Ngai Tuhoe. John Goulter Strategic ICT Business Advisor Te Puna Hanganga, Matihiko | Infrastructure & Digital and Chaz.
Rangikāhuia Nohotima and Herewaka Hona students from Te Whata Tau o Putāuaki place 2nd at the VEX IQ Challenge nationals 2020.
Te Aka Toitu trustees visit to Te Whaiti for our new trustees Matt, Rachel and Regan.
Visitors from MOE N4L and DIA taking a tour through the nursery in Minginui
Parents from Minginui taking part in an online course at Te Kura Toitu o Te Whaiti-nui-a-Toi
2nd place at the regional robotics competition also from Te Whata Tau o Putāuaki kura are Team Slayer
Pictured on the roof of Te Kura Toitu o Te Whaiti-nui-a-Toi is one of their antenna that sends the wireless Internet signal across the valleys which, enables their tamariki to access online learning any time any place and at any pace.
Angel Martin and her son Teraiona taking part in the Online Digital Well Being Course held at the TPEC in Kawerau